Education video for Sickle Cell Trait and Sickle Cell Disease.
Co-design workshops and visualized results to understand college students' stress concerns.
Using physical representations of data – data physicalizations – in public space to support communicating, collecting, and learning information relates to life on campus.
Support students' subjective Well-being with machine learning techniques
A design concept to help college students to see their available support system.
A Five-day workshop explored methods of using tangible objects to collect data in a public space, and uncover patterns and connections through public participations.
A modern interactive visual approach to see and understand I-Ching.
Visualized air quality overlays the landmarks in Beijing ducumented during a seven-day trip.
An intereative visual study of the air quality data of Salt Lake City published by the EPA ( from 1980 to 2014.
An artist book depicts this Taoist classic to reveal its patterning insights.