Yvette Shen | Design. Research. Education.

Inspiring People in 1923 for a Better Future

Let's say you time-traveled 100 years to 1923. In the age of Roaring '20s, what skill or knowledge would be the most useful?

Students of the Information Design for Non-major class decided on 5 topics that would set them apart from people in 1923 and give them an edge to help develop that age in time. The topics are: petroleum consumption, car safety, contraception methods, diabetes literacy, and how to make and hide alcohol. After researching on the topics and the historical context, the class designed a poster-zine to visually explain the information to people in 1923.

Stories about time travel often depict how small changes in the past can have a profound effect on the present. Nevertheless, we can radically alter the future by implementing small changes now. "Now" is always the best time to start the change.

#Petroleum consumption# lead researcher/designer: Chris Holman, #Car safety# lead researcher/designer: Ryan Stewart, #Contraception methods# lead researcher/designer: Melina Raglin, #Diabetes# lead researcher/designer: Morgan Eads, #Alcohol laws# lead researcher: Maddie Denman.