Yvette Shen | Design. Research. Education.


Undergraduate Classes

DESIGN 5505 Information Design for Non-Design Majors

Information design class for students mainly in Data Analytics major. The course explores how information can be structured and visualized to create effective communications and to stimulate viewer attention and engagement. Students will practice information design by exploring the implications of cognitive principles, communication theories, design thinking and aesthetic principles, semiotic systems in order to develop skills to analyze and design effective information visualization and communication.

Winter Sports Visual Explanation
DESIGN 4153 Intrm. VCD II - Information Design + Data Visualization

Information design class for Visual Communication Design students. Students practice information design and data visualization by exploring the implications of cognitive principles, communication theories, statistical graphs, semiotic systems, and the balance between scientific accuracy and aesthetically attractive visual expressions. Class projects involve designing information and data in various forms and mediums.

Info design applications in prints, packaging, and digital dashboard
DESIGN 4650 Collaborative Studio - Spatial Experience Design (SP 2022)

This studio course explores design opportunities of activating physical spaces by translating brand ideas, stories, and customer journeys into three dimensions in ways that enriches both the space and the lives of those who interact with it. The interdisciplinary teams will investigate the wayfinding system and other spatial-based design opportunities in the physical and virtual environment that can postiviely contribute to safety, inclusion, psychological and emotional well-being.

Hayes Wayfinding
DESIGN 3440 Design Media I, UI/UX Design (AU 2018, 2019)

This course examines the leading concepts of user-centered design through readings, discussions and assignments. Practical concerns include methodologies for research, wireframing, information architecture, rapid prototyping, assessment planning, and developing an interactive project from an abstract idea through the User Experience and User Interface Design processes. Students will gain an understanding of the tools and issues surrounding usability on desktops, mobile devices, wearable screens, along with the various concerns involved in interactivity in general.

UX Process Documentation
DESIGN 5453 Design Media IV, UX in VR (SP 2019)

The class in Spring 2019 explored the visual and interactive design process in augmented reality and virtual reality systems. Students learned the state-of-theart how, when, and why to design and evaluate three-dimensional interfaces in virtual environments.

UX in VR

Graduate Classes

GRADTDA 5505 Information Design

A summer virtual asynchronous Info Design class for students in the Master in Translational Data Analytics program.

Grocery Store Data
DESIGN 6200 Foundation for Graduate Design Studies

The class discusses historical and contextual groundwork of the design discipline through the study of a broad range of contemporary and emerging research approaches. The intent of the class is to foster exploration and to provide more in-depth exposure to a range of research types and approaches to research in design.

MFA Thesis Advising

Meg Valluri, MFA 2022

[MFA project] Taste of Motion: Developing a systematic framework to express brand attitude using motion graphic design. Demo Video 1, 2. Documentation PDF

Taste of Motion
Rhys Grubel, MFA 2022

[MFA thesis] Uncovering the Recycling Distraction: a Graphic Designer’s Journey Designing a Website to Challenge Recycling-Based Individualism Website, Thesis Link.

The Recycling Distraction